Greetings from the Sesquicentennial Celebration Committee

Burney HollisOn behalf of the Sesquicentennial Celebration Committee, I welcome you to Morgan’s 150th Anniversary Celebration!

The Committee has planned a full thirteen months of Sesquicentennial Celebration activities engaging the students, faculty, administration, retirees, alumni and supporters of Morgan and the entire Morgan Community, which extends across the nation and around the world, in a celebration and commemoration of the extraordinary and distinct role that Morgan—in its various stages and under numerous designations—has played in educating the citizens of Baltimore, Maryland, the nation and the world. Our celebration began, appropriately, with a December 2016 worship service at Sharp Street Memorial United Methodist Church, which was the place of our founding, and it will end, equally appropriately, at our December 2017 Commencement Exercises when we send forth our 141st annual graduating class.

We invite you to join us at our many Sesquicentennial events, including proclamation ceremonies, naming ceremonies, assemblies, convocations, concerts, performances, exhibits, student and alumni competitions, book-signings, commencement exercises, and our collaborative HBCU-9 celebration with the other HBCUs founded in 1867. We encourage you to become an active part of our celebration, especially by visiting and submitting your Morgan memories to our interactive website, purchasing the coffee table history book to be published in October and some of our Sesquicentennial memorabilia, and becoming a permanent part of Morgan history by purchasing a brick to be placed in the Sesquicentennial Plaza between the Frederick Douglass statue in front of Holmes Hall and the Verda F. Welcome Bridge.

We look forward to seeing you at many of our Sesquicentennial events and to working with you to make this Sesquicentennial Celebration one of Morgan’s finest hours!

Burney J. Hollis, Ph.D.